Your path to a career in IT

Obtain skills that are required by your future employer

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Universality is your gateway to a career in IT


What do you gain?

  • You obtain skills that are actually required by the employers
  • You will learn how to solve real IT problems
  • You will allow your future employer to get to know you while you're still at school
Enhance your career
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What market problems are solved by Universality?


Problems with finding first work in IT

There is a shortage of about 300 thousand IT employees in the whole Europe, in Poland it's about 50 thousand people. Despite the fact that IT studies belong to the most popular fields of study, the graduates often don't fulfil the recruitment criteria – academical knowledge is not enough to meet the actual market requirements.


Increasing job market requirements

It is no longer enough to know a certain programming language. More and more often, the companies will require practical skills that they will be able to use from the first day of your employment.


Candidate skills inadequate to the character of the work

Young candidates often know the necessary technologies, but the standards on the market are foreign to them. The style in which they are writing the code is not compatible with the standard adopted by the company. As a result, for a graduate to become an effective, independent employee, many months of training and orientation are needed.

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How does Universality support finding a job in IT?

Company paths of development

Choose the path of the company you want to apply to. Solve it and get noticed!

Solve tasks

Develop your skills by solving real tasks that you would face when working in the given company

Gain points / Build virtual CV

Your tasks are assessed by teachers or specialists from the selected company. You gain points confirming your skills and you are ascending in the student's ranking. You also create your virtual resume with code samples.

Receive job offers

If you have already managed to solve all the tasks within the chosen career path, then you will probably be able to cope with the tasks by working for this company. Recruiters already know about it! Expect contact from them.

Enhance your career

What does the Universality platform offer?

Ample database of tasks

Choose from among 2000 tasks to check your skills in practice.

Career paths

Solve tasks as a part of company career paths that will prepare you for work in a given company

Monitor your progress

Your answers are assessed by teachers and specialists from a given company. Gain points that will bring you closer to obtaining your dream job.

Resume with code samples

First on the market, available in real-time resume with samples of code from the entire period of studies that will allow your employer to see what you can do.





Enhance your IT career!

  • Solve tasks prepared by companies
  • Obtain real skills needed on the market
  • Allow your future employer to get to know you
  • Get your dream job
StartRemember! Companies hunt for top talents already during studies,give them a chance to get to know your skills.
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